Paul Hedderman 26 May 2018

On Paul Hedderman’s term ‘verbing’

Dietrich: I enjoy Paul’s emphasis that everything is verbing. When statements are quoted such as ‘I am not of this world’, then this is a concession to the assumption that there is a world. What the statement really means is ‘I do not believe this assumption (that there is a world).’ Then, ‘the world’ is seen to be not objective, only an activity, a dreaming, a verbing. In a way, the statement ‘I am not of this world’ is superseded by the statement ‘I am dreaming the dreaming.’ So beautiful. Statements, such as ‘I am not that’ ‘I am not of this world’ or statements with the term ‘foreign instalment,’ ‘parasite’ are all very(!) useful. This is where the message infiltrates and undermines the illusion of being a separate entity. However, they have done their job once it is realised that ‘we are the dreaming of the dreaming.’ It’s a real blessing that Paul’s message has come up. In my opinion, the resulting insight (‘the solution’) is the only real help. Paul’s occasional claim that this message doesn’t help is only valid for people who primarily look for changes within the parameters of illusion.

ANIM  ALIBE replied:   Also, these comments are blessings, so good to read your messages too. I imagine – i can’t “do” anything else – that Paul humorous claiming about the validity or invalidity of the “solutions” (downloads, insights, observations) are just pointers to the pointless point, the gateless gate. Like saying that in a fictional place there is no real need for help and no valid solution, just a seemingly one, an apparent valid help to the action figure involved in his ‘problematic thinking, thorny questions, troubled impressions’. Without these troubled thinkings and impressions no need for any solution, answer, message, help. Let’s see them just as an entertainment: they appear here or there, but they are not indispensable… this could be applied to everything showing up in this Universe. At that point, you don’t really care about dualistic pop-ups of the dreaming. As Ramana supposedly commented on this topic: “This is so marvellous!”

ANIM ALIBE Paul: “look, is just an invitation” Conspiratorial-brain: “yes, but why!? Why do you invite me? Why do you do it to me?…”

Dietrich: The invitation is the perfume of liberation. Absolutely everyone is always invited. You’ve already accepted. The mind, conditioned by conspiracy, gets the opportunity to sense the ease of serving love (someone calls it ‘benevolent indifference’), rather than serving the stress of resistance. Paul calls it ‘travelling lighter.’

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1 Response

  1. I have seen Paul Hedderman at least half a dozen times. I saw him again on Oct/27/2018. He gives the same message over and over for a reason. He has to hammer it through the conditioning we all go through in life, learning to be a separate person. The mental construct that we build around “ourselves” is extremely resilient. It requires an aggressive hammer. I say this metaphorically of course since one cannot extricate oneself from a non-existent construct. It is our faith in that construct being real that gives it power. The realization that being someone is an action and not a subject is the first step in lightening the brutally heavy load one carries as a person. As a person, everything in the world is happening to them. As a verb, they are simply what is happening without the suffering that comes from “this is happening to me”. What a beautiful message. I keep going back to Paul for reinforcement. I will continue to do so. Chris

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