Is a Teacher Necessary?

In response to a question regarding issues of a student-teacher situation:

I have been ever so grateful for people like Francis Lucille and others. They don’t reject the term ‘teacher’ as they have benefited from their association with their teachers. Sure, for some, teachers are unnecessary, and in those cases, teachers may feel like crutches you don’t need. If that is the case, it may still be nice listening to them to enjoy their unique expression without seeing yourself as a student. ‘Kill the Buddha when you meet him’ would perhaps represent your point of view.

The opposite ‘See that there is essentially no difference between you and any teacher or anything else’ is the other, equally valid statement. To be on the mission in favor of or against teachers is not on my plate. I don’t mind teachers but heard many in favor of no teachers, starting with J Krishnamurti who was supposed to become the world teacher for the Theosophical Society. I met him several times in the 70’s, and his words were filled with the freedom you are speaking of.

I have one very simple rule of thumb: As long as people identify with a separate person, they may benefit from following pointers that show them that their assumptions are imagined. A good teacher will just do this. Having realized this, there is no need for teachers. Sailor Bob starts his ‘Spiel’ with the statement, that he can’t give anything to anyone, and nothing can be gained from him. This is a statement of a true teacher, and in that statement is a true teaching because it can evoke insight in the listener. A good teacher may pull every support from under the feet of the ‘student.’ Nisargadatta Maharaj was very good at this, for example. Teaching is not necessarily aimed at fueling divisions, but as you have said, it often goes that way. Even if it often goes that way, I can’t claim that I could know that something is right or wrong.

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