
Since listening to Krishnamurti in the 70’s, a lot has shifted, and the essence of his message is available through many living people. There is less of an aura of ‘specialness’ these days – representatives for this would be Paul Hedderman, Sailor Bob Adamson and Tony Parsons, for example, and there are so many more, including very young ones, such as Paul Smit, Lisa Cairns and others. You will find that the pointers to freedom have become even more radical and direct. For a more gentle guidance, Francis Lucille and Rupert Spira may be preferred by some who have not recognized the fact that their identification with a separate person is maintained by a mental activity, called ‘believing.’

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1 Response

  1. It seems to be the case that the vast majority of people in the world have “not recognized the fact that their identification with a separate person is maintained by a mental activity.” This particular ( very powerful ) illusion is not easily dismantled for those people, by using either a “hard” or a “soft” approach. The recognition of the truth seems to occur, in very mysterious circumstances, to only a few …. in the scheme of things!

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